Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Friday, December 4, 2020
How to access remote Jupyter Notebook using SSH remote port forwarding(SSH Tunneling)
This tutorial will be covered a few tips regarding Linux commands. Here I was demonstrated how remote Jupyter notebook can be accessed via SSH remote port forwarding.
Tip 01: How to use tmux to divide the Linux terminal vertically. Command: ctrl-b and after that % ( shift-5) If you don't have tmux installed in your Ubuntu PC - sudo apt install tmux
Tip 02: How to log in to a remote server via SSH( my case I used password) Command: ssh "user"@ip (default port is 22) or ssh -i "key".pem "user"@ip My case: ssh sajith@
Tip 03: How to create and activate Python virtual machine in Linux
If you want to know, how to create a Python virtual machine following tutorial will be helped.
Tip 04: How to find a PID and kill process chain( In my case this was happed accidentally. I forgot to kill the previous process)
Command : lsof -i TCP:"port"
If you don't have lsof installed in your Ubuntu PC - sudo apt install lsof
Tip 05: This is the important tip for this tutorial. How to access remote port using via SSH remort port forwarding. Commad: ssh -N -f -L localhost:"local port":localhost:"remote local port" "user"@"IP" Sample:
ssh -N -f -L localhost:8888:localhost:8888 sajith@
This is the full video tutorial.
Happy Learning :)
What is "tmux" and how to install in Ubuntu or Arch Linux
The "tmux" terminal multiplexer is an utility tool to switch easily between several programs in one terminal. Even tmux can be used to open multiple terminal for same remote server session. This feature is great when we want to see execution and results in a same terminal window.Following video will teach us how to install "tmux" in Arch Linux. But we can install tmux in Ubuntu with this command "sudo apt install tmux" and other tmux related commands are same for any environment or any Linux distribution.
Happy Learning :)
How to find lane lines on the road - part 01
This is an introductory project I did for my Udacity self driving car nanodegree program. Self driving cars is one of best use case for computer vision and machine learning0, because these autonomous systems are very useful for various areas. Following are few of them.
- Reduce accidents
- Reduce traffic congestion
- Increase lane capacity
In this project you will learn following areas.
- Basic usage of OpenCV Python APIs
- Basic image processing techniques such as colour scale changes, colour selection
- Images edge detection user Canny edge detector (OpenCV will be used to apply these theories)
- Required images' region selection. Both hard coded and dynamic selections will be used
- Hough transformation line detection (OpenCV will be used to apply these algorithms)
This tutorial will be covered a few tips regarding Linux commands. Here I was demonstrated how remote Jupyter notebook can be accessed via S...
This is an introductory project I did for my Udacity self driving car nanodegree program. Self driving cars is one of best use case for com...
The "tmux" terminal multiplexer is an utility tool to switch easily between several programs in one terminal. Even tmux can be use...